Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My days with my chronic pain

I am a mother of 4 beautiful children ages 16, 15, 11, and 7. I have a wonderful husband and just a great family. And up until a 7 years ago I had more than any one person should ever be blessed with.
I had a full time job that I thoroughly enjoyed, my husband worked full time and we were able to spend quality time with our children. Doing all the things that we believed a "family" should do. Tried raising our children with morals, with respect for themselves and others and believing in God.
You see, I suffer from Pseudo Tumor Cerebri, and possible Chiari malformation, yet my Neurologist won't officially diagnose me as I don't meet her known criteria. She is not updated on the current criteria to which I do qualify. She is a wonderful doctor, who is compassionate, and very caring just not up to date on the new Chiari information or its new criteria for diagnoses. But I can't blame her as she is a very busy woman, and we live in a rural community. She assisted me the best that she could/can and tried to help me get some relief from my pain by having a shunt placed in me. This surgery failed. The surgery left me deformed, emotionally drained, physically sick due to the infection and the carelessness of the Neurosurgeon. The surgery left me pain that has me in tears for many hours of each and every 24 hour day. Between the surgery and my chronic illnesses it has taken away my ability to perform a part time job much less a full time job. It has left my once stable family torn in more pieces than I can count.
You see, my children now have to worry about their mother. Something that they should never, ever have to do. They have had to grow up faster than is fair to any child because they have to make up for the everyday things that I am not able to do for them anymore. My 7 year old has no idea what "real fun" is. His idea of fun is sitting at home playing legos, or sitting by my side and telling me how sad he is that I am sick and can't play with him. My husband has had to work harder than ever to make up for the income that I once contributed to the family, so that we can afford the bare medical treatment - medications, drs, therapists, specialists - Plus he has to try and maintain the stability that we once had as a family unit.
It is so hard to wake up each morning in so much pain that the tears roll down my face uncontrollably while at the same time trying to be a positive roll model for my children and reassure them that I am ok. When I know I am certainly anything but ok. It is so hard to watch my husband struggle with his full time job that has no benefits and maintain a household, cook dinner, help the children with their homework, and ensure that they are able to do some of the things that all teenagers and young children should be able to enjoy.
So you see, chronic pain takes so much away from a person. I am no longer a person but rather a burden to all those around us. I have become isolated from society because I and others like me are no longer able to function. I have become depressed because I suffer horrendous amounts of pain day in and day out. I am not alone, as there are others like me. Plus we see our families being torn apart right before our eyes and there is not a darn thing we can do about it. It is so hard to find a doctor that is willing to treat those of $us, and when we do they are not able to provide adequate relief sometimes due to the lack of information on the illness and its treatment. Most doctors know their hands are tied so they turn us away. Society in general turns us away. Every door is closed to those of us that suffer chronic pain from these illnesses. That is humiliating, it takes away a person's self esteem, takes away all that we fought so hard to become. Pain has taken away everything about me and others like me.
As a chronic painer I have had to fight for everything. I fight to get out of bed each and every day, I try so hard to fight back the tears and when I can't it is so frustrating. I have to fight to be seen by a doctor that is willing to treat and cure my pain due to not having the right type of insurance. I have had to fight to get any relief and the relief that is offered leaves the mind in a mess, or doesn't touch the pain enough so that I can function. My first medication was a drug called Neurontin, this drug caused me to forget who I was, where I lived, and I even forgot that I was responsible for our children. Do you have any idea how horrible I felt not only as a mother but as a human being?
If taking a medication that contains an opiod/pain killer is the only way that allows me to wake up in the morning and kiss my children good bye as they head out the door for school than I don't want it? If taking an opiod/pain killer is the only way that allows me to walk outside on a sunny day, then why bother. If taking an opiod/pain killer is my only means that I might actually smile or laugh with my family or friends- then forget it? I don't want to have to rely on an opiod/painkillers to have my quality of life back when I know there is a cure. These opiods/pain killers are just a band-aid.
Every day that I wake up the very first thought is not what am I going to do today, its not what clothes should I wear, its not whether or not my socks match my pants, its not any of these things that most people think of. My first thought each and every morning is whether or not today is going to be the day that throws me over the edge, or what is the most effective way to end all this pain...yes, suicide is the first thing on my mind every day. Its the last thing on my mind at the end of each day. And its there on my mind right along with the pain every minute of every day. I have to pray every night and ask God for the strength to make it through another day and to thank him for getting me through the day that is at end.
I'm not asking for money, I'm not asking for special treatment, I'm not asking for a new house or a fancy car. All I ask is for adequate relief. Enough relief to allow me to have a "good" day. A "good" day being a day that I can get up without tears, kiss & hug my family good bye as they venture out for their day, straighten up my house, do a load of laundry, make dinner, help my children with their homework, talk to them about their day, and to let them know that they are the most important thing in the world to me. My dream, my goal in life at this point, is to reassure my children that whatever troubles life throws at them, I will always be there for them no matter what. Yet this to for me is a struggle.
The past 7 years I have not lived, I have suffered with each year getting worse. I may not be dead, but is this really any kind of life? I don't understand why I am not worthy of proper medical treatment, treatment that involves adequate relief. I have worked, I pay taxes, I am a proud American, I have respected others, I have done so many right things in my life to help others. I am the reason that my husband went into his own depression and chose to look to another for his own comfort. He says that he is sorry for straying and will never again look to another, but should he be sorry when I am to blame? My family falling apart is not because he haas not tried, but because I am unable to when I am consumed by my pain. The pain that I suffer is not my fault, it is not something that I did to myself deliberately, it is not my fault and it is not my family's fault. Why are we left to suffer like this? Why do I deserve less than some sense of normalcy in my life and the lives of my family?
Lately, I have been taking long walks on cyber-beaches, be them in Cabo San Lucas, with waves crashing against the rocks, or long stretches of white sand in Maui where I can hear the wind rushing through my ears, gulping in the salty hungrily, hoping each breath will renew and restore my weary body.
My problems certainly are no more, or no less, important than anyone else’s. I can only measure them against myself; against the problems I have solved, the ones laying in wait, and the ones just around the corner, beckoning me and challenging me to conquer them, one by one. Whole or broken, the seashells that crunch beneath my feet tell me I’ve unraveled yet another problem which only a moment, hours or days before felt insurmountable.
I never cease to be amazed and stunned at the amount or ferociousness of the issues for which I am confronted; daily fights for financial assistance, medicinal help (promised, yet not delivered) and all else that awaits me and others in chronic, intractable pain. While it is true that everyone, not just sick people, must deal with the gnats in the air and the bumps in the road, it is far different when tackling those issues through the veil of pain.
Which brings me back to the cyber-beach and all it’s simplicity. I can feel the sand between my toes, warm and sun soaked, stretched out in front of me for mile after eye-squinting mile. It comforts me, that beach. The hot sun pours down on my beaten body, offering a sort of healing. But the Earth can’t heal me this time around, good as the sun feels. It can only offer me the sense of healing, which will have to be enough for now. I live being afraid to wake up each day.
My visits lately to doctors and to the ER, have been useless. No one undertands the pain I am in, nor wants to really listen. They hear only what they want to. I am on disability now, with State paid insurance. I do not qualify for medicare until 2009, so in the meantime I am treated as a second class person because of the insurance I do have. I don't go to the doctors looking for pain meds, nor am I addicted to them, yet when they look at my history of my illnesses, and my list of the 33 pills I take daily, they treat me as if I was drug seeking. I am treated by ER docs as a nuisance, and a waste of time anymore. Only 2 of the 33 pills are for pain, which I do not take regularly as prescribed, as I have the fear of addiction, and don't want to be costantly doped up. The rest are to help my kidneys from failing, my heart, etc. I ask the doctors to help me seek out why I am in so much pain and to help me get the treatment and cure, yet they turn me away. This only makes things worse. I am so hopeless.


lzwitty said...


I hadn't heard from you in a while and wanted to check on you. I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles. I thought of an idea for you to try.

I know you've contacted TCI and they were out due to insurance issues; however, have you contacted any of the other Chiari doctors on the list I sent you? See if you can send them your MRIs, etc. Have them look at everything and see what they say. I wouldn't ask about insurance, I'd just explain that you're having a hard time finding a Chiari doctor and want them to look at your MRIs to see if they see anything.

See what they say when they contact you, write EVERYTHING down in detail and then go to your neurologist with their info., showing that you've been evaluated by one of the top Chiari experts in the US and here's what he/she says.

I'd also take in a copy of Milhorat's paper (I think it's called "Chiari Redefined"--available on many Chiari websites) to your neurologist. It shows how Chiari does NOT have to be 5 mm to cause symptoms.

You're in my prayers.

Leslie W.

wyo4fun said...

Sorry it has been a bit to get back with you, but I have been down in bed quite a bit, My white cell count have been elevate and doctorors are not sure why yet. They have me on alot of pain killers and I have been sleeping alot, having Spinal Taps, many tests, MRI, etc, We did take Dr. Milhorats paper to her and she found it interesting and said the problem that she sees is that is she agrees I need to go outside of WY whether to him or elsewhere because many doctors have been taught as she was that you must be 5mm to have Chiari. She realizes that what I have is beyond her expertise and is trying everything possible to assist me in getting me the help I need but we are running into road block. In fact she help me with my referral to the Mayo Clinic, but the Docs turned me away and will not see me. I had ever applied for Charity Care to overcome the Insurance problem. I was told it was looking very good, It was th NSG, and NGT who didnt want to see me. We were warn that you almost need a special invite to go. As far as The Chiari Institute we contacted my Insurance provider and and then TCI and my State Insurance provider agreed that if TCI would agree to enroll with them and except payment then they will pay feor me to go, so I spoke to Ed Rendozo in their Financial Dept, and he agreed to speak to my Insuarnace Dept, to see what they could do. No Guarantees...but a start he also said they have a Chariity Care as I am not entitled to medicare until 2009 and I am getting worse, but they could possible look to see if I could qualify for it. The do one per month. I could do alot of the test here at home prior to flyinf to NY and then they coul finish the rest there and then schedule the surgery if warranted, so we are trying to look into this. We found info on assistance on airfare if and when the time came, so maybe this will all work out. A suggest was made on a Chiari Board that I should get a petition in support of the TCI either workiing with my insurance or in support of them allowing me to be a candidate for their Charity Care. What are your thoughts?

lzwitty said...

I'll send you an email as soon as I get the chance!


Michi said...

I just came across your page and it really upset me cause it is relieving to know there are other people out there that are going through the same struggles I have been dealing with for the last 18 years. I just had my first spinal tap this past fri and really wishing the doctors wuld make a decision what is the cause instead of me being their guinea pig..here try this, take that. I have been on so much medication I can't tell or remember what is what sometimes. After doing some of my own research I believe I have pseudotumor cerebri and also was told in 2005 I had chiari malformation but the doctors will not officially say I have it. All my xrays amd MRI's state I do but the dr's still persist I don't only cause the tonsils haven't decended into the spinal cord??!! Anyway, good luck to you and hope you find peace with all you have been through..

Unknown said...

I have psuedo tumor since 2008 and I got told I have chiari malformation on April 19 and I was going to have surgery I had to have a sleep study done and that didn't go good . Today the doctor called me and told me I could not have the surgery because of the psuedo tumor because it will progress the psuedo tumor and now I'm worried where do I go from here I go to the doctor on the 17th to find out more I'm just worried what does this mean I'm glad to find you guys that have the same thing maybe we can help each other to understand more! Thank you Regina

~mom~of3~healthworried~ said...

WOW, i am really glad to find others dealing with the same things. I am starting to wonder why people go to school for so many years to become a doctor, but yet none of them want to help people these days. They either just want to dismiss you and tell you, yourfine, or give you medication after medication, or even to go as far as say"can i send you to a physicist" so in other words they think your crazy.

I was told a few years ago i have pseudo tumor, but i was to yoing for a shunt, an i just needed to lose weight and it we ill go away. My husband and i have fought so much cuz he thinks im just lazy and nothings wrong. I have headaches all the time, along with beck pain an constant dizziness. Its really comforting to know other people experiencing the same pain.
I just want to feel normal, i just want to play with my kids, i want to days without headaches and pain.... Please share email addresses, i would like to have constant contact with people who deal with same everyday life as me.
Prayers to all of you, keep pushing, an believe God for healing.